The Logs


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Hello, and welcome to the Strange Realms!

1: Log in
2: See who’s logged on
3: What is this?
4: Disconnect

> 1

Enter thy name: Zag

Welcome, Zag. Connecting…

The Silver Dragon Inn and Tavern
You are in a musty, yet comfortable tavern. Flickering lamps cast a warm glow around the rustic, wooden interior. There are a few tables and chairs scattered around, as well as a bar. A door to the north leads outside to the street, and a hallway to the west leads into the Inn part of the building.
Exits: north, west

Behind the bar stands a burly woman named Etta, the proprietor and barkeep for this establishment.

> who

You see 1 player logged on:
- Zag

> say Well, guess I’ll have to explore on my own.

Zag: Well, guess I’ll have to explore on my own.

Etta pours herself a mug of stout ale.

> go north

Oscarville Square
You stand in the bustling center of Oscarville. Roads stretch east and west, and a large crossroads is to the north. To your south is the Silver Dragon Inn and Tavern, a cozy little tavern frequented by all sorts of odd folk.
Exits: north, south, east, west

> go north

The Southern Crossroads
You are in the southern part of the great crossroads. To your south is the quaint little town of Oscarville; To your north is the center of the crossroads. Northeast and northwest are the east and west ends of the crossroads.
Exits: south, northeast, northwest

>go northeast

The Eastern Crossroads
This is the eastern part of the great crossroads. To your northwest and southwest are the northern and southern parts of the crossroads, respectively; to your west is the center.

(Sorry, I don’t have anything branching off to the east here yet. Working on it! —Your System Administrator)
Exits: northwest, southwest, west, east

> say Wait, there didn’t used to be a way east here, did there? Did wren build something?

Zag: Wait, there didn’t used to be a way east here, did there? Did wren build something?

> say No, she doesn’t have build permissions yet

Zag: No, she doesn’t have build permissions yet

> say But there can’t be a sysadmin building things; I found this fucking thing in a dumpster

Zag: But there can’t be a sysadmin building things; I found this fucking thing in a dumpster

> do shrugs

Zag shrugs.

> say Must’ve missed it then.

Zag: Must’ve missed it then.

> go east

Eastern Woods
This room has no description.
Exits: west, house

> say What on earth…

Zag: What on earth…

> go house

The house is white. There is a tree in the yard. There is a bench. There is a street sign.
Exits: out, in

> say Wren’s house..?

Zag: Wren’s house..?

Eastwood arrives from inside the house.

> quit

Farewell, Zag…

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