The Logs

NOVACOMM internal email

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SUBJ: Your attention is required

Employees of section 27,

A technician of yours recently performed maintenance on camera Eastwood-03. The technician, as per the Operations Manual, uploaded a firmware snapshot for analysis. As is routine, we seized this snapshot for quality assurance purposes.

Our team was disappointed to find that the snapshot in question was heavily corrupted. After subjecting the technician in question to a routine Equipment and Team Spirit checkup, we have concluded that the source of corruption was interference in transit.

The firmware snapshot passed through your section’s servers before being forwarded to us. If anyone is aware of what corrupted the data, please send a report with the IDs of any relevant employees to The first employee to provide a credible explanation will receive an extra two hours of lunch break.

Additionally, any employee to confess to causing interference (accidentally or otherwise) will be considered for mitigation in the corresponding disciplinary hearing. Honesty is essential to maintaining Team Spirit.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Section Zero

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