The Logs


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Hello, and welcome to the Strange Realms!

1: Log in
2: See who’s logged on
3: What is this?
4: Disconnect

> 1

Enter thy name: Ozymandias

Welcome, Ozymandias. Connecting…
*Admin Privileges Granted*

Ozymandias’s Bedroom
This is a cozy bedroom, with a rustic, minimalist aesthetic. The surfaces are made of wooden boards, the floor softened by a deep red carpet. A bed sits tucked into a corner, with a small bookshelf next to it. The entire room smells of fresh pine, likely from the scent of the walls. A window looks out into a brightly lit forest, the tall pines swaying calmly in the wind. A door behind you leads out into the hallway.
Exits: door

> @dig Eastern Woods

*Room “Eastern Woods” created*

> @link Eastern Woods : west <> Eastern Crossroads : east

*Eastern Woods doubly linked to Eastern Crossroads, west <—> east*

> @setspawn Eastern Woods

*Room “Eastern Woods” set to new player spawn point*

> quit

Farewell, Ozymandias…

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