Hello, and welcome to the Strange Realms!
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> 1
Enter thy name: Wren
Welcome, Wren. Connecting…
The Silver Dragon Inn and Tavern
You are in a musty, yet comfortable tavern. Flickering lamps cast a warm glow around the rustic, wooden interior. There are a few tables and chairs scattered around, as well as a bar. A door to the north leads outside to the street, and a hallway to the west leads into the Inn part of the building.
Exits: north, west
Behind the bar stands a burly woman named Etta, the proprietor and barkeep for this establishment.
> look wren
Wren has not set a description yet.
Etta begins absentmindedly scrubbing the counters.
> setdesc
Editing description: Wren
> Wren is a bit of an odd creature. Aptly named, she is a humanoid Wren,
> standing about five foot five. She is covered in fluffy brown plumage,
> forming a slighly bulbous plume around an otherwise skinny body.
> Her head is covered in tiny little detail feathers, surrounding a beak
> and two beady little eyes. She carries naught but a small satchel slung
> over her shoulder, containing a sketchbook and pens, among other trinkets.
> /save
Description saved!
> look wren
Wren is a bit of an odd creature. Aptly named, she is a humanoid Wren, standing about five foot five. She is covered in fluffy brown plumage, forming a slighly bulbous plume around an otherwise skinny body. Her head is covered in tiny little detail feathers, surrounding a beak and two beady little eyes. She carries naught but a small satchel slung over her shoulder, containing a sketchbook and pens, among other trinkets.
Etta polishes her eyeglasses.
> say Well, here we go…
Wren: Well, here we go…
> quit
Farewell, Wren…