Hello, and welcome to the Strange Realms!
1: Log in
2: See who’s logged on
3: What is this?
4: Disconnect
> 1
Enter thy name: Wren
Welcome, Wren. Connecting…
The Silver Dragon Inn and Tavern
You are in a musty, yet comfortable tavern. Flickering lamps cast a warm glow around the rustic, wooden interior. There are a few tables and chairs scattered around, as well as a bar. A door to the north leads outside to the street, and a hallway to the west leads into the Inn part of the building.
Exits: north, west
Behind the bar stands a burly woman named Etta, the proprietor and barkeep for this establishment.
> who
You see 2 players logged on:
- Wren
- Zag
Zag: You came back!
Zag: Sorry for flaking, my boss made me work a double-shift tonight.
> say Aren’t you self-employed?
Wren: Aren’t you self-employed?
Zag shrugs nonchalantly.
Zag: Eh, that’s beside the point.
> do laughs
Wren laughs.
Etta pours herself a mug of stout ale.
Zag: So have you worked your way through the help files yet?
> say Just the important-looking ones.
Wren: Just the important-looking ones.
Zag: Awesome!! I am walking towards you as we speak.
Zag: Can’t wait to read your character desc!
> say Wait what
Wren: Wait what
Etta begins absentmindedly scrubbing the counters.
Zag arrives from the north.
Zag examines you.
Zag sighs.
Zag: You didn’t read the “desc” help file, did you.
> say It didn’t look important!
Wren: It didn’t look important!
Zag: Read it!
> help desc
The DESC command allows you to set your character’s DESCription. The desc is the core of your character; without it, you’re just a name attached to a bag of stats. Your description is what is printed when another character LOOKs at you.
> look zag
Before you stands a 7-foot-tall behemoth of a woman, with burly arms and bronzed skin. She has a pleasantly cheerful demeanor, which contrasts oddly with the massive, gleaming, double-edged axe she carries slung over her right shoulder. Her clothing consists of leather hides and furs, reinforced by chainmail in choice locations. She prefers to leave her arms bare, which exposes intricate tattoos resembling vines that snake down her arms. She keeps her brown hair trimmed almost to a buzz-cut, for practical reasons.
> look wren
Wren has not set a description yet.
Etta polishes her eyeglasses.
Zag: Hey I hate to cut this short but I really need to get some sleep.
> say Oh, ok
Wren: Oh, ok
Zag: Next time we meet up here I’ll show you around some! Try to have a desc written by then, though, that’s important.
> say I can’t promise it’ll be perfect.
Wren: I can’t promise it’ll be perfect.
Zag: It doesn’t have to be.
Zag has left the realms!
> look wren
Wren has not set a description yet.
Etta begins absentmindedly scrubbing the counters.
> quit
Farewell, Wren…