Hello, and welcome to the Strange Realms!
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> 3
Strange Realms is an immersive, text-based roleplaying experience. You create a character and explore the world, ideally with friends, creating your own adventures as you go.
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> 1
Enter thy name: Wren
Welcome, Wren. Connecting…
The Silver Dragon Inn and Tavern
You are in a musty, yet comfortable tavern. Flickering lamps cast a warm glow around the rustic, wooden interior. There are a few tables and chairs scattered around, as well as a bar. A door to the north leads outside to the street, and a hallway to the west leads into the Inn part of the building.
Exits: north, west
Behind the bar stands a burly woman named Etta, the proprietor and barkeep for this establishment.
> who
You see 1 player logged on:
- Wren
> say Dang it! She said she’d meet me here.
Wren: Dang it! She said she’d meet me here.
Etta begins absentmindedly scrubbing the counters.
> say Heh, I’m talking to myself in a computer world.
Wren: Heh, I’m talking to myself in a computer world.
> say How did she talk me into this?
Wren: How did she talk me into this?
Etta pours herself a mug of stout ale.
> quit
Farewell, Wren…